Friday, November 2, 2012

Fitness Friday: Fall Running Gear?

This doesn't have much to do with fitness, other than the fact it is DEFINITELY turning into fall here in West Michigan, but this picture was on one of my friend's Facebook pages and I had to share.

This is the South Pier in St. Joseph, Michigan this week (near where I grew up).  You know the waves  are high when they splash up higher than the lighthouse - Lake Michigan doesn't often look like this. (My heart goes out to anyone affected by the storms this week - I know I don't really have anything to complain about. We had some crazy wind and a lot of rain, but nothing like NY and NJ).
I have my last long run before the Wine and Dine Half tomorrow and I'm thankful the winds have died down a little (and I pray that my east coast friends are all doing ok after this week's storm). It's not supposed to be great, though, and I have a limited window of when I get get my run in thanks to the kids marching band making the state finals competition in Detroit on Saturday.  I'm really hoping I don't need to set a distance PR on the dreadmill tomorrow (my current "record" is 8 miles and tomorrow I have 10). Wish for some half-way decent weather for me, m'kay?  In the meantime, maybe someone could get me a cute new fall running jacket like this one:
or this one:
Is anyone else as obsessed with Lululemon as I am, but own NONE of their clothing because it's so freaking expensive???

What's your go-to fall running gear? I have a winter running jacket from New Balance but it's too warm to wear it yet.  I need something for this in-between time that doesn't cost $150.

**fyi - if you try to sign in to comment through twitter it will probably say you are "@undefined". Please don't use twitter for now - I'm trying to figure out why this is happening - but please keep commenting!**

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