Monday, July 25, 2011

LLRB 365: 2011 Week 29

Another week has simply flown by.  This summer will be gone before we know it!

A walk around my lily garden.

Gorgeous clouds today!

It was also my little sister's birthday, so you get 2 pictures today!  Weren't we cute back in '73?

Like a good portion of the country, the temps have been a bit high.

It's too hot out for mom to pump her own gas.  One day, he'll start paying for it too :)

Cubs Win!

It's recovery week in my marathon plan, so I "only" had to run 10 miles today.  I won't see 10 miles on a long run again until the week before the marathon, except as I pass it of course.

Peep-Peep!  We have 2 baby robins in the tree next to our garage.  I caught a shot of this one peeking out of the nest.  Can you find her?

I hope where ever you are, you are keeping cool and enjoying your summer!

I have one last bit of business - my awesome friend Alan, from Sweating Until Happy, is giving away a $50 gift card to HolaBirdSports on his blog this week!  I know I could use an extra 50 bucks for some new workout tops or shoes! This is Alan's first giveaway, so head over there and check it out.  Also, while you're there, give him a shout-out for his 67 pound weight loss.  I'm so proud of this guy!

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