The PT recommended a different shoe and my running store only had one on his list in stock (he had 5 listed - 2 Brooks and 2 Asics, plus the crazy Newtons that I can't even begin to afford). I tried the Brooks Adrenalin in the store and absolutely hated them. One of my "orders" was to work on less heal strike and the Brooks he recommended made me feel like I was heel striking even more. Because of this, the very knowledgeable sales girl suggested I try the Omni 11 from Saucony. It has a lower drop and is supposed to promote a more mid-foot strike. They were ugly but felt ok jogging around the running store so I bought them (and returned the cute-ish Asics I'd been breaking in for the last month - mega dumb move but I only had 2 days left on their 30 day warranty from the store and I really can't afford 2 pair of $120 shoes that will just sit in my closet).
Wednesday I hit the gym for some upper body work and a trial run in the Saucony's. The arm work was good in that *holy shit I can't lift my arms anymore* sort of way.
The run? Epic Fail
Now, I really wasn't expecting a miracle
The past 2-3 weeks, and this week especially, have really sucked for me from a running standpoint. I go from setting a monster 5k PR on Thanksgiving Day to not even being able to run 2 miles. One of the shoes the PT recommended was the Asics 2170 GTs that I've been running in for the past few years. Why he would recommend the shoe that I was using when all of my issues started is beyond me, but I think he's saying with the addition of the orthotics, they will have better support now. I ordered them from Zappos Wednesday night and they were on my doorstep Thursday afternoon (gotta love Zappos). I'm crossing my fingers and praying they work, because frankly I don't know what else to do. I know not to expect a miracle when I run on Saturday but I'm hoping these are better than the Brooks. I was invited to a group run Saturday morning but I'm not running with the girls because I really can't keep up right now. It's frustrating.
I'm planning to look at going back to the Good Form Running clinic at my running store (I went to one this summer) but unless someone is actually working with me while I run, I don't think I'm going to be able to change my gait. Maybe I'll just keep working on upping the cadence - I've had better luck with that. Another friend suggested I try some barefoot running (which is also recommended by GFR) but it's winter here now. I can't run outside in the grass/snow unless I want frostbite or we get a really warm day and the gym doesn't allow barefoot ANYWHERE except the pool. I suggested to my friend with a treadmill (who is also a PT) that I wanted to try that on her treadmill, but she didn't think it was a great idea since I'm already injured. She thinks the surface is going to be too hard but said I could come over and give it a shot if I kept it REALLY short. The last thing I need is to add a stress fracture in my foot to my already long list of issues. Also, expect to see lots of 15 min "Rehab Exercises" types of posts on Daily Mile. I'm ticked the PT didn't give me a better list of things to do (I only have one exercise) so I came up with a bunch of calf stretches and foam rolling to do in addition to the theraband stability exercises he gave me.
I know this post was essentially a depressing brain dump and I'm sorry. I just needed to get some of this crap out. I still have a couple PT sessions scheduled but I don't know if he's going to want to see me or not. It depends on whether I can get a couple good trial runs in between now and Monday. If I can't do what he's asking me to do, there really isn't much point in continuing to charge my insurance company (and me for whatever the copays might be). I might just end up doing a ton of cross training and hoping I can fix myself.
So, how about some fun now that I've been all Debbie Downer on you? Thank you to everyone who commented on my motivation post on Monday. You all have some great methods for turning demotivators into positive motivation! Now, without further ado, the winner of my $20 iTunes or Starbuck's gift card is.....

She wrote, "Burnout. I've had that over the last year. I am barely making two runs a week right now and I'm okay with that. What motivates me? Remembering the feeling of meeting a goal. Take last night...I ran 6 on the treadmill because it' was on the schedule. About mile 3.5 I was tired and almost stopped. But then I remembered last weekend? My feet carried me 28 miles. Of course I could do 2.5 more.
But sometimes you do need a break. Switch things up a bit.
I wish I had a running buddy here that I could go out with. I think that would help a lot. Having someone to be accountable for helps immensely. :) "
Congrats Kirsten!!! The music or coffee will serve you well as you get ready to kick Goofy's butt in January!!! Now if we can only come up with another girls weekend I could be that running buddy for you. An email is on it's way for you to pick your prize :)
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