Friday, January 6, 2012

Word of the Year

It appears the blog theme this week is ditching the idea of a New Year's resolution and identifying a "word" that you feel will define 2012 for you.  Just do a google search for "word of the year 2012" and you'll see what I mean.

I didn't think that I was going to play along, but after reading this post by Tara at A Life Changing Journey and this post by Karen at kclanderson, I realized how powerful having a word to help guide you can be.  The crazy thing?  I already have a couple words that I've decided will be with me forever.  Literally.

Back in June 2011, at the age of 40, I got my first tattoo.  I chose the word "strength", largely because of the verse in Philippians which states, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Phil 4:13).  I was training for my first marathon, struggling with fear and doubt, and really needed God's help to give me the strength to achieve my goals.  The funny thing is, I have a necklace that also has the word "strength" that I had received from a friend a couple years ago.  Perhaps a theme?
While I was home over Christmas break, helping out my dad after his knee surgery, I decided to finally complete my strength tattoo with the 26.2 I earned on October 16, 2011.  I've been wanting a wrist tattoo for the longest time, and decided if I was going to get the ankle finished, I might as well do the wrist, too.  Little did I know that the word I would choose would become my word for 2012.  
I choose to believe that 2012 (and every year that follows) will be my year.  I believe God will continue to give me strength.  I believe my family will continue to be healthy and happy.  I believe I will continue to grow in my faith.  I believe I will set a healthy example for my children.  I believe I will run 12 races this year, the majority over 10 miles in length.  I believe I will get back to my goal weight this year.  I believe.

What word will guide and define you in 2012?

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