Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tri Training Week 8

I am now officially over half way through with my Millennium Triathlon training!  How the freak did THAT happen?  Sadly, this also means I'm 1/3 the way through summer vacation, but that's a topic for another blog post. As you can see from the recap, I didn't really follow the plan this week.  I'm still tweaking it to make it a bit harder and starting to add in some extra workouts, but not running as much as I need to be.  Too bad my diet this week sucked or maybe I'd be seeing some results on the scale, too.

Monday 6/25/12 - Plan REST - Completed SWIM 500 yds

Tuesday 6/26/12 - Plan Run :40/Strength :30 - Completed SWIM 1/2 mile open water. Then 30 min Shred DVD.

Wednesday 6/27/12 - Plan Swim :30 - Completed BIKE 12.6 hilly-ass miles in 56:17 (ave 13.4 mph).

Thursday 6/28/12 - Plan Bike 1:00/Strength :30 - RUN/SWIM brick.  Ran 3.25 miles on the hottest day of the year (41:43) and then swam for 22 minutes (maybe 600 yds) in the Millennium lake. The run didn't really bother my leg much at all, but the heat about killed me.

Friday 6/29/12 - Plan REST - Completed 30 min Shred DVD.

Saturday 6/30/12 - Plan Run :40 - Completed 3.2 miles in 36 and change. 1/2 mile walk to warm up (7:xx) then 2.6 mile run in 29..  The run felt ok, but I still couldn't complete the entire distance without some walking. I'm not happy with the walking parts but I'm walking because of the heat, not because my leg hurts.

Sunday 7/1/12 - Plan Swim :30 - Completed BIKE/SWIM brick. BIKED 15.1 miles in 59:10 (15.3 mph) - SQUEEE!!! This was basically the Millennium Tri course and I biked it with a friend. He pushed me and helped me get comfortable riding on the roads.  Lots of hills, too, but not as bad as earlier in the week.  Then SWIM 30 min in Millennium Lake.

Overall, this was a very good training week.  I'm getting more confident in the swims and faster on the bike. The running isn't hurting as much, but as you can see, I'm only running twice a week right now instead of 3 times a week like I should.  I need to add another run in but I want to see how this week goes with a couple 3 mile runs first. I also ended the week with some stomach issues and a lot of fatigue.  I'm going to make sure to include at least 1 rest day this coming week.

PS: In case you missed it, this past weekend was my 3rd Blogiversary!  I have a little giveaway going on over here to celebrate and than you all for sticking with me the past 3 years.  My readers really do mean the world to me, so thank you for being here and commenting. 

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