Thursday, September 5, 2013

Three Things Thursday: Randomness and a Recipe

First off, I apologize to all the bloggers I've been neglecting this week.  I promise I'm reading your blogs but with school starting and insane craziness of life, I've been reading mostly on my phone and it's a PITA to comment.  Know I love you and thank you for reading my blog and commenting when you can.

Now, 3 totally random comments for today:

1.  I love my job.  I'm so fortunate to have a career I'm passionate about and this week I learned that my administrators really have my back even though things are insanely messed up right now.  That's a great feeling.  I also love that I have an intern this year who is proving to be an asset - and we are only into the 3rd day of school.

2.  I'm all over social media today.  You can find me profiled at Another Mother Runner here (so cool!!) and I'm writing at Shrinking Jeans today on what happens when you need to take a break from running. Sucks that I'll be taking my own advice on this one since my heel isn't really feeling much better and I haven't run since last week, Thursday.  *insert uber sad face here*

3.  I found the most amazing salad dressing recipe.  It's a tangy version of Italian and I'm loving it more than anything I've ever bought in a store. It's actually paleo and I had everything in the house to make it.
Paleo Italian Salad Dressing Recipe

There you have it - three randoms that I threw together as I ate my giant salad with that yummy dressing.  Now I'm off to check on my friend's doggie and then back to work.

Do you love your job?  If not - what would be your dream job?

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